costco pizza nutrition facts: A Look at Costco Pizza’s Nutrition Facts

costco pizza nutrition facts
costco pizza nutrition facts


costco pizza nutrition facts Unveiling the Numbers – A Look at Costco Pizza’s Nutrition Facts Costco’s food court is a haven for hungry shoppers, and their massive pizzas are a popular choice. But how do these giant slices stack up in terms of nutrition? Let’s dive into the details of what a single slice of Costco pizza packs.

Calorie Content:

First things first, these slices are not shy on calories. A single slice of Costco cheese pizza weighs in at around 760 calories. The pepperoni pizza is slightly lower at around 710 calories per slice. That’s a significant chunk of your daily recommended intake, so keep that in mind if you’re watching your weight.

Fat Breakdown:

Costco pizza contains a fair amount of fat, with around 30 grams per slice for the cheese pizza. Of that fat, about 36% comes from saturated fat, which is the kind you want to limit in your diet. The good news is that there are almost no trans fats in these pizzas.

Carbs and Sugars:

Carbs are another major player in Costco pizza’s nutritional profile. A slice packs about 80 grams of carbohydrates. However, the good news is that dietary fiber makes up a decent portion of that, at around 7 grams per slice. Sugars are fairly low, clocking in at around 5 grams per slice.


Don’t worry, there’s some good stuff in there too! A slice of Costco pizza contains around 40 grams of protein, which is a good amount. This protein helps you feel full and satisfied after eating.


One area where Costco pizza might raise an eyebrow is its sodium content. A single slice contains a whopping 1740 milligrams of sodium, which is over 75% of your daily recommended intake. This is something to be mindful of, especially if you have high blood pressure or are watching your salt intake.

Overall: costco pizza nutrition facts

So, how does Costco pizza stack up? It’s a delicious treat, but definitely not a health food. The high calorie, fat, and sodium content mean it should be enjoyed occasionally. If you’re looking for a healthier option, consider splitting a slice with a friend or adding some veggies to your pizza.

Making Smarter Choices:

Here are some tips for making a slightly healthier choice when it comes to Costco pizza:

  • Share a slice: These slices are huge! Sharing one with a friend is a great way to cut down on calories, fat, sodium, and carbs.
  • Load up on veggies: Ask for veggies to be added to your slice. This will boost the nutritional value and add some fiber.
  • Go for half cheese: Opt for half cheese and half another topping, like veggies or pepperoni. This will cut down on the amount of cheese and its associated fat and sodium.

By making some smart choices, you can still enjoy a slice of Costco pizza without blowing your healthy eating goals.

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